call it what you will
Grace. Luck. Fortune. Blessing. Providence. Call. Spirit.

> It took one phone call each to cover 2-3 weeks' teaching responsibilities for four different bible studies. T put it best, "It seems like this is how I can do my part; teaching, so you can go do yours."
> Emails and phone calls (and countless of both) of prayer, thanks, help, excitement, pride, hope.
> Offers to cut grass, collect mail, check the house, take the car, ride to and from the airport, send supplies, come with me.
> In 10 days of collecting contributions for Week of Compassion, $17,000 received. That was BEFORE this weekend. AND ... people literally handing me money, "take this with you in case you need it."
> With no more than five minutes of my sharing 'here's what I'll be doing for two weeks,' and those five minutes being a guess AT BEST, at least a half-dozen people told me "I can be there in day," or "I can be there for a 4-day weekend."
> Database list to date: 45 people or groups who've offered shelter for displaced persons, assistance with counseling and pastoral care, and/or participation in clean-up and rebuilding mission trips when the time comes. Again ... BEFORE this weekend.
> Staff colleagues whose first reaction is, "Oh how wonderful ..." (And I don't think they mean "... that you're leaving for two weeks.") (I don't think they do!)
This morning's sermon, 'God Chatter: in public,' (sermons are posted to the church site usually by midweek, DO check it out) and how Hurricane Katrina is NOT ... hear me, NOT ... an 'act of God.' True, true, amen and amen.
I will continue to say, though -- and if you were in 10:30 service this morning, you already heard me say it, but at least pretend to be surprised and newly impressed here: The undeniable acts of God I have seen have been through each and every person in our congregation: acts of generosity, and love, and compassion, and faithfulness, and hope ... beyond measure.
Beyond. Measure.
From this distance the only help I can give you is a big hug, so consider it given.
... which helps more than you know, Miriam!
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