iiiittttt's hump day !
One roof is done! And another is so close they can smell it. Okay, maybe that's sweat they smell, but whatever ... you get the idea.
Wednesdays of week-long mission trips are always tricky days: it's the middle of the adventure. You've spent two days working, you know you have two days after this one to work. The twin demons of Tired and Sore have taken residence in every fiber and sinew. The twin angels of Community and Encouragement have to ramp into overdrive to make the day liveable, let alone WORTH living through. And let's not even talk about what happens when Impatience shows up to play ...
It was a day with a few rough spots, but really, by day's end ... with showers and a dinner generously provided by First Christian Church (who feeds the groups staying, as we are, at Northwood Christian once during each week they work) ... the day had some bright points:
Did I mention a roof is done?!
A truck comes tomorrow to haul the debris from Carl & Lolly's.
Screens have been replaced all around a house.
Youth and adults alike have learned new skills - both carpentry and interpersonal.
God is doing a great thing here ... not only in Beaumont, not only for these two families, but in he hearts and minds of each person working. At our most haggard and uncertain moments, the spirit we feel most strongly IS the Spirit ... blowing over us and cooling any sunburn, tending any heated brow, and reminding us again that we do this work NOT for ourselves, but for the One who calls us to serve.
And after all, isn't this what it's all about?

While sitting at the bookstore updating his own blog tonight, Jim had a 30-second conversation with 'Reggie,' who learned that we're in town with a church group working on damaged homes ... and said "Thank you, man. Rita tore the place up pretty bad. There's a lot to do and we're glad for the help."
Spirit moment. Gets you over the hump every. single. time.
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