we're off!
... in more ways than one! :-)
It's day one - travel. And there's already been whole tons of laughter, no one's been lost or left at a pit stop, and we've even stopped a little farther down the road than we'd planned ... that means less driving for tomorrow.
We're just south of Birmingham, overnighting in Bessemer, Alabama. We'll be into Gulfport mid-to-late afternoon tomorrow, orientation with our mission team leader, settling in, grocery run, and a good night's rest before Monday morning's 7:30 work call.
It's so much fun sharing a trip with folks who are new to the experience. Lots of questions and excitement, and lots of openness to whatever God places in our path for the week. I love it. I love it.
It will be a long week, but it will go quickly, if that makes any sense. I look forward to updating you here as much as possible (given whatever connectivity I can scare up) and having great pictures to post and stories to tell when we return.
We also look forward to MANY MANY MORE opportunities for our congregation to share in this mission. Find some comfy work gloves and break in a pair of boots ... or heck, just pack 'em now and we'll help you break 'em in later! God is doing great things in the world, one heart, one soul at a time, and it is an honor to be but a very small part of something so much bigger than we can even hope or imagine.

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