The day after we returned from Covington, standing in the Great Hall ... in the middle of a beautiful space and a loving and welcoming congregation, Myrta said, It feels weird to be here. Like I shouldn't be. It's not real here. I nodded and smiled, and had to agree.
Space shuttle missions have taught us the word "re-entry," that period on the return leg of the mission where things have to line up just right in the atmosphere and the technology or everything gets knocked out of whack ... sometimes, as we've seen with unspeakably tragic consequences.
Same in returning from mission trips, we've learned. There's a bit of 'burning up on re-entry' (clearly not the same painful extent - I dare not take the analogy that far). But while your body is tired from the good work of the great week, your heart and mind are still with the people you met, and the people you saw, and the things you experienced. It's a surreal return adventure, and sometimes it takes a bit for everything to line up, in your soul, like it should.
Then again, maybe that IS how it 'should' be. I think it's that re-entry that keeps it fresh for those who go, and makes us long to return ... and take others with us. There is more ... plenty more ... to be done. I hope you'll join us.
May 12 - 19: Lake Charles
July 21 - 28: CYF (high school youth), New Orleans
September 15 - 22: McComb MS
November 10 - 17: Algiers/New Orleans
(Coming soon! The Covington/Chalmette photo album to be added to the menu at the right. The mystery Gulfport album has been floating around too, but should link from the menu as well!)