Wednesday, March 08, 2006

a pile of stuff

The President is in New Orleans today ... his 10th trip to the region since Hurricane Katrina.

Congress is poised to allocate $4.2 billion in flexible community development funds for areas affected by the hurricane, but lawmakers have decided to dedicate that money to all states affected by Katrina. Bush said Congress must allocate the $4.2 billion just for Louisiana, to help residents whose homes have been damaged or destroyed.

And the other states? The other hurricane(s)? Where is the help for them?

“You’ve got a pile of stuff here,” the president remarked at one point, watching from a mold-infested pink duplex as a small bulldozer shoved a mattress, toys, a cooking pot, several pairs of blue jeans, a single brown shoe and a pair of women’s underwear down the street.

A pile of stuff.

Yeah, you could say that. Here. There. And everywhere.

The whole thing ... the. whole. thing. ... makes my head spin.


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