'katrina cottages'
Read about this 'unveiling' (of a new version of an old idea) in the Sarasota paper while vacationing, and am really intrigued by the prospect ...
First of all, that they're quick and relatively permanent.
Second, that they're not only hurricane-resistant (ooh! good thinking! something more than a tin can with a door!) AND 'green' units. Nice.
And, they can be used as EITHER replacement housing during the - as we're learning - longer-than-anyone-expects 'interim' periods OR they can be seed housing for whatever is built from there. I like that idea.
Obviously Florida is recovering - STILL - from multiple storm tragedies over the last several years (and yes, Disciples groups are still active there as well). It's good to know, though, that at least SOMEONE is thinking ahead for the storm season at hand.
So after the July trip ended up not happening due to lack of response (or, more accurately, conflict of schedules) ...
The September trip (September 17 - 23) to Gulfport is looking like an even DOZEN so far! All first timers (besides me). I'm SO excited.
There's still a little room, folks ... we could take a few more. August 16 is our travel arrangement deadline so let me know ASAP!!
I love it when people just open up and say "Y'know, we have no idea what we can do or if you need us, but we'd really like to go. Can we help?"
Uh. Yeah. Ya can.
annnddd ... not so much
You've GOT to be kidding me.
First, there's 10,000 trailers sitting in Arkansas unused because they can't be placed in flood plains.
Then, we learn that the trailers that ARE there are little chemical factories, with formaldehyde gas (ooh! a carcinogen on every health agency list!) being emitted -- and breathed in! -- in triple-concentration doses.
Now, FEMA is saying it's okay to live in the trailers. The last sentence is. a. classic.
God help us all.