"So, do you have any construction experience?"
"Let's see, counting today?"

"These folks are here from Indiana. They're good people."

And seriously, where are THESE guys when you need 'em?!!

tonight's devotional:
Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Lk 12:32-34)
A terrific first day of work. Siding (nearly) all 'round Barbara's house, and a quick chance to meet her as she left for work this morning, and son John as he left for a day hard at his lawn care business.
treasure: Knowing that your ability to take off of work for a few days to help someone else allows them the ability to GO to work and support themselves and their family.
treasure: Walking up to a house covered in protective sheeting in the morning, leaving the house in the afternoon nearly covered in hearty-board siding.
treasure: Sharing stories of celebrations, occasions, near misses and family funnies ... all while building your own little family of sorts at the same time.
* p.s. - Happy (I don't know which number) Anniversary to Rod & Carol Howard ... and Happy 4th Birthday to Nolan & Marian Cooper's grandson, Robbie Manuzzi! Thanks for letting us borrow Rod, Nolan & Marian and put 'em to work, when they could be home celebrating with you!
treasure: Starting the day with someone saying, "God bless you all." ... and believing that she really means it, and knowing that even if nothing else happened in that day, that God really has blessed you, just by having that very moment in the presence of another person.
Thanks for sharing Courtney! Looks like a fantastic trip.
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