Tuesday, October 10, 2006

and THEN

And then there are companies like Oreck ...

Who have what seems a wildly expensive 'ordinary' product. But consider:

The Oreck home office is in New Orleans, Louisiana, with the main manufacturing plant in Long Beach, Mississippi. When Hurricane Katrina hit, Oreck immediately provided shelter, food, medical care and other assitance for their employees. Not loaned, or covered temporarily. Provided.

And now? A year (and change) later? The Oreck XL Ultra sells for (hold on) $550. And they're tithing that ... 10% ... $50 of each pink Oreck purchase goes to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer research. They promised a minimum of $250,000 and have actually contributed $600,000 so far.

And they have set NO limit.

THAT is awesome.


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