moving right along
You know how sometimes you travel out of town, for business or vacation or whatever? And you don't take the kids along, so you call home to check on them and you're talking to one and there's one in the background talking to you at the same time and it all turns into this scrambled jumbled mess?
Well today's lunchtime chat was a little like that, except I am here and the 'kids' are gone. Exchanged quick emails with Jim today and then caught up midday to say hello by phone.
Jim: We're on to a new house today, everyone's in really great spirits. We feel like we're making an impact. It's raining today, but we have lots of work to do inside. This house is close to move-in condition ... a little paint and trim, some electrical and plumbing, the appliances are sitting here in place ... they're really close.
I asked if they'd gone across the lake last night (into Nawlin's) ... it WAS Mardi Gras after all. (Jim had said the day they left, "We may be the only group ever to go to New Orleans the week of Mardi Gras and not go FOR Mardi Gras!" Hey, what happens in Nawlin's ... ) Come to think of it, he didn't say "no" ... But he DID say that after a day of wrestling new sheds onto foundations and frames,

So Jim passes the phone to whoever's nearby ... Janet's next.

I did manage to catch two things just before she said goodbye ... "That Dana's a hard worker! She's really goin' to town!

And then ... check, check, is this thing on? ... "We're really having a great time. I don't know why more people don't volunteer." (Helloooo out there?!)
So John comes along and says that he's really taking one for the team this week, and that Janet apparently should be asked to sing a solo the weekend they return from the trip because she's been getting quite the practice in during their work days ... in their 10x10 room. "Jim says I get a medal."
Jim takes the phone one more time and reports, "So like I said, obviously everyone is in really high spirits." Checking on the other new kid not heard from yet, I asked after Dave ... and was told that he is apparently doing all the work and everyone else is sitting around looking good for it. So, Dave Sterling, working away in your corner ... here's to you!

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