first of 7 - in '07
A little different look to the departure, THIS trip

than to the last trip.
I hope you'll keep in your prayers this week the first of our "7 in '07" Partners in Comfort mission trippers: Jim Minatel (Nov '05, Apr '06) and Janet Annest (Sept '06), trip veterans and leaders, plus three "new kids", Dana Conner, John Smitha, and Dave Sterling. They'll spend the week housed out of Grace Disciples of Christ Church in Covington, working each day with Northshore Disaster Recovery, a United Methodist mission partner, in Slidell.
than to the last trip.
I hope you'll keep in your prayers this week the first of our "7 in '07" Partners in Comfort mission trippers: Jim Minatel (Nov '05, Apr '06) and Janet Annest (Sept '06), trip veterans and leaders, plus three "new kids", Dana Conner, John Smitha, and Dave Sterling. They'll spend the week housed out of Grace Disciples of Christ Church in Covington, working each day with Northshore Disaster Recovery, a United Methodist mission partner, in Slidell.

It would be lying if I said I didn't miss being in the van ... and they just left 15 minutes ago! They've promised to send updates and pictures, though, so keep in touch here for all the news from the trip (well, all the news that's fit to print!).
But it would also be lying if I said that this wasn't EXACTLY what we had in mind in creating the idea and the mission of Partners in Comfort: increasing the circle of commitment and leadership into our community, and connecting our community to others.
Fifteen trips over a two year period will be a lot:
A lot of people.
A lot of money.
A lot of prayer.
And a lot of hope brought to a community STILL - more than a year later - devastated by losses of unimaginable proportions.
The commitment of this congregation, and so many like us, to spend the time ... and the money ... and the spiritual and physical energy to make a difference, is such a gift.
As we said to those who just packed up and headed out, "You are the hands and feet of Christ in the world, and it is a profound responsibility and wonderful gift … make the most of it!"
But it would also be lying if I said that this wasn't EXACTLY what we had in mind in creating the idea and the mission of Partners in Comfort: increasing the circle of commitment and leadership into our community, and connecting our community to others.
Fifteen trips over a two year period will be a lot:
A lot of people.
A lot of money.
A lot of prayer.
And a lot of hope brought to a community STILL - more than a year later - devastated by losses of unimaginable proportions.
The commitment of this congregation, and so many like us, to spend the time ... and the money ... and the spiritual and physical energy to make a difference, is such a gift.
As we said to those who just packed up and headed out, "You are the hands and feet of Christ in the world, and it is a profound responsibility and wonderful gift … make the most of it!"
This is a VERY worthwhile experience. The amount of destruction to this area is still quite evident. There is no way they can do this rebuilding without our help. We are all part of one body. It is our calling to show our love through ACTION. Put on your boots and GET DOWN THERE!
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